The Goodland Outlook, Edition 22
June 18, 2015
This Goodland Outlook edition is to let you know about:
- A recap of oil safety successes last week
- A major Goleta residential project to be presented to Goleta’s Design Review Board June 23
- Invitation to a Town Hall Meeting about the water supply in the Goleta Valley
- Oil: An invitation to Refugio Oil Spill Hearing in Santa Barbara
- Oil: A link to an excellent column about oil issues facing our South Coast
OIL SAFETY RECAP: It was a good week for people who made the effort to keep Goleta safe from the impacts of the recent oil spill and the potential threat of trains transporting highly volatile petroleum through Goleta.
SB County denied ExxonMobil’s proposal to replace the broken oil pipe transportation system with a 24-hour-a-day parade of oil trucks through Goleta. The County decided that the application did not successfully make the case that an emergency was at hand.
Goleta’s City Council sent a letter to SLO Planning Commission asking them to deny expansion of the Phillips 66 Rail Terminal. If SLO approves the terminal, it would likely result in mile long trains filled with highly volatile fuel running through the South Coast and Goleta.
Hollister Village (“Westar”) Proposed Revision 15-068-DRB
This is a request for conceptual review to revise a previously approved project of retail use and five live-work units, replacing it with 33 apartment units on a 2.32-acre triangle area of the Hollister Village development (at the NW corner of Storke and Hollister.) (Planner: Mary Chang)
The Design Review Board will be reviewing the changed project and some of the main issues will be aesthetics and impacts such as mountain views.
The Goleta Design Review Board hearing will take place at 6 PM on Tuesday, 23 at City Hall. Click here for the agenda; to see the specifics, click here for item F2.
Monday, June 22nd ~ 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Goleta Valley Community Center Auditorium
Join the town hall meeting about our community’s short term and long term water security.
The event will begin with the screening of the documentary Eyes on the Sky, a 50-minute look at the present and the future of fresh water in our western cities and farmland. Local filmmaker Steve Nicolaides will introduce the film and lead the panel discussion on aquifer levels, what happens if our reservoirs fail, and water conservation tips. Questions and answers will follow.
John Mcinnis, Gen. Manager, Goleta Water District
Rosemarie Gaglione, Public Works Manager, City of Goleta
Kamil Azoury, Gen. Manager, Goleta Sanitary District
Dr. Hugo Loaiciga, a preeminent hydrologist from the Department of Geology at UCSB
Barbara Wishingrad, Coordinator, Sweetwater Collaborative, and designer of water harvesting and reuse systems.
Oil: Refugio Oil Spill Hearing in Santa Barbara
A Joint Hearing of the State Assembly’s Natural Resources Committee and the State Senate’s Select Committee on the Refugio Oil Spill, chaired by Assembly Member Das Williams and Senator Hannah Beth Jackson.
When: JUNE 26, 2015, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m;
What: a great opportunity to highlight the importance of protecting our coastal waters, and the lives of all the species, including humans, that depend on a healthy ocean environment for their lives and livelihoods;
Who: Members of the Public concerned about the recent Refugio Oil Spill will hear from panelists with expertise on oil impacts and appropriate response and will have an opportunity for public comment;
Where: Santa Barbara County Administration Building Board Hearing Room, Fourth Floor 105 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara.
See the Goleta Grapevine Column Regarding Oil Extraction, Refinement and Transportation in the (online only) Santa Barbara Independent, by Goleta’s first Mayor, Margaret Connell.
(The Goodland Coalition is forwarding to you this email we received because we think it is of interest to people concerned about the future of Goleta. Please forward the email or send a link to this site to your friends and family.)