Dear Goleta Neighbors and Friends of The Goodland Coalition,
As you might have noticed, we send you The Goodland Outlook only when issues affecting Goleta arise that we think you want to know about. Below is one issue that is really important. Telling you about such issues and what you can do and is in keeping with our mission of:
· Advocating policies that protect, preserve, and improve Goleta’s unique character;
· Encouraging and facilitating participation of Goleta residents in community planning and decision-making.
Please take a moment to read below and then, please take action that is vital to protecting and preserving Goleta and our natural resources.
On March 28, the Goleta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing, and we need your voice to protect Los Carneros Creek and important habitat.
Heritage Ridge is a large development proposed for 332 rental units, 104 of which would be much-needed affordable housing, next to Los Carneros Creek in Goleta. As currently proposed, the project would not meet the City’s requirement for developers to protect our creeks with a minimum 100-foot buffer because it relies on using an outdated map that only artificially achieves a 100ft. setback from Los Carneros Creek. Instead, the project must be based on the current 2021 map of the creek as the correct basis for determining the minimum 100 foot setback established in Goleta’s General Plan.
The Goodland Coalition is one of 5 groups that has engaged Santa Barbara’s Environmental Defense Center to request a modest redesign to move the Project completely out of the creek buffer area defined with the updated map, and as required by Goleta City policies. Our requested change would still provide the same amount of housing for our community.
The Goodland Coalition is proud to be joined by, Citizens Planning Association, Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter, Urban Creeks Council, and Audubon Society to work with EDC to ensure this project provides the required 100-foot creek buffer, protection for sensitive habitat, and minimizes impacts to the important wildlife corridor. Goleta’s Planning Commission will take public comment regarding the project and its encroachment into the creek buffer on March 28.
If you care about safeguarding Goleta’s environmental protections HERE IS HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
1. Register in advance to speak up at the March 28 hearing . The agenda with the link to register will be posted here. This hearing will be in the evening.
2. Email your comments by Monday, March 28 at noon to Kim Dominguez at
Talking Points to Consider in Your Comments:
· The Heritage Ridge Project’s current design would destroy important wildlife habitat and encroach into Los Carneros Creek’s Streamside Protection Area.
· I support a balanced approach which provides affordable housing that our community needs, protects the wildlife habitat and Creek, and upholds the City’s habitat and creek policies.
· The City must use the current 2021 map of the Creek to determine the correct minimum creek setback.
Thank you very much for lending your voice on this important issue.