TGO #32 — the Coalition’s Endorsements

— The Goodland Outlook, Edition 32 — September 15, 2016


Along with the Goodland Outlook we sent you last week, today’s Outlook is critically important to Goleta’s future:

  • The elections this fall will be not only for two Goleta City Council seats and for determining how we pick our mayor.
  • This fall’s election will determine who will serve as 3rd District Supervisor for a large number of Goleta residents.
  • It will also determine 3 seats on the Goleta Water Board District, so vital to our residents.

Mail in voting begins in about 30 days from when you receive this.

So this Outlook contains our endorsements for 3rd District Supervisor and for Goleta Water Board District. And in case you missed the last Outlook, we’ll repeat our endorsements for the two city council seats and a measure to change the way we pick our Mayor that will be part of your ballot. Please take a moment to review our recommendations. We encourage you to forward this email to your friends and family who care about Goleta.

THE GOODLAND COALITION’S ENDORSEMENTS, the short version (more detail below):

Goleta City Council:

Kyle Richards

Stuart Kasdin

3 rd District County Supervisor:

Joan Hartmann

Goleta’s Proposed Measure for an elected Goleta Mayor (C2016):

Vote NO

Goleta Water District Board: 

Lauren Hanson

Rich Merrifield

Bill Rosen

More endorsement details are below…but first…


Mark your calendar to attend the Goleta City Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20, where they will discuss closing Venoco’s Ellwood Onshore Facility (EOF) processing oil at Haskell’s Beach. This is a non-conforming structure and The Goodland Coalition seeks to have it closed so the public has access to this land that is currently zoned for recreation. For an article detailing the history and issues, see: ellwood-onshore- facility/

Click here for the webpage containing a link to the staff report on this item or paste into your browser:

It is vital that the council hear from you in person or via email. Tell them they should take steps to close the EOF as soon as possible.

Here are their email addresses that you can copy into the TO: section of your email or click on the address.,,,,


Endorsements for Goleta’s City Council Election

As we indicated in our previous Goodland Outlook, we are proud to announce our endorsements of Stuart Kasdin and Kyle Richards. Both are Goleta residents who have not run for public office before.

Both Stuart and Kyle have expressed their commitment to a more measured approach to Goleta’s growth, to bring Goleta’s growth in better line with its resources, not just water, but also road capacity, playgrounds, libraries and public safety.

Please take a moment to go to their websites where you can learn more about their qualifications and issues.

Stuart Kasdin:

Kyle Richards:

And see Kyle’s events here:

If you like what you see, and if you want Goleta to change its fast growth direction, consider offering them your support. Also, consider forwarding this message to your email friends and family.

Opposition to the proposed measure for an elected Goleta mayor (C2016)

This fall Goleta voters will decide whether to change to a mayor directly elected by the voters for a two- or four-year term. The Goodland Coalition believes that there is no need to change the current system that has worked so well since incorporation. Here are some of the reasons:

  • The proposed change would consolidate more mayoral power by letting the mayor appoint all the members of important committees, such as the Goleta Planning Commission. Under the current system, each counci lmember, including the mayor, appoints just one planning commissioner, making the commission more representative of the views on the council. And members of other advisory groups are selected by the entire city council.”
  • The proposed change would be a waste of taxpayer money, not only increasing election costs but also because under state law, the council would have a blank check to increase the mayor’s compensation.

You can learn more by clicking here to read the Impartial Analysis by the City Attorney:

Just vote “NO” on C2016

Endorsement for 3rd District Supervisor

We endorse Joan Hartmann for 3 rd District Supervisor. Joan won the primary election against 4 other candidates and now is in a run-off with Bruce Porter. Joan has distinguished herself with a lifetime of public service, from serving as an advocate for foster children to serving on SB County’s Planning Commission. She is a water expert from her work pioneering the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, a partnership of Government agencies, non-profit organizations, environmentalists, scientists and developers.

Joan also is in the forefront of protecting our neighborhoods. She led “Buellton is Our Town,” the successful grassroots campaign that gave Buellton voters the final say on whether to expand beyond city boundaries. And she then helped our own Goodland Coalition with our successful Goleta Farmland Protection Initiative in 2012. We won by 71% and now 5 major agricultural parcels in Goleta can’t be rezoned unless Goleta residents vote yes.

NOTE: While only the Western part of the City of Goleta is in the 3 rd District, we are all affected by who the 3 rd District Supervisor will be. All supervisors provide key County services to Goleta, plus affect all the development just outside Goleta’s boundaries, including The Gaviota Coast.

Please see Joan Hartmann’s website at

Endorsements for Goleta Water District Board

We are endorsing the three incumbents, Lauren Hanson, Rick Merrifield and Bill Rosen. We believe that this group has done a good job under very difficult circumstances of the ongoing drought. They took steps to preserve current water supplies, such as invoking the Stage III measures and Measure J, denying new water meters to new projects. Additionally, GWD added new supplies by purchasing water from other districts. And GWD has communicated about our difficult water outlook with the City of Goleta Planning Department.

To learn more about these candidates, please see their websites.

The Goodland Coalition, 5710 Hollister Ave. #234, Goleta, CA 93117

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TGO #31 — Goleta’s Direction

— The Goodland Outlook, Edition 31 — September 7, 2016


Today’s Outlook is one of the most important we have sent in a long time because it affects not just a single project or development. The fall Goleta election will determine Goleta’s direction for a long time to come. This Outlook contains our endorsements for the two city council seats and a measure, C2016, to change the way we pick our Mayor that will be part of your ballot.

Please take a moment to review. Note that to avoid cluttering your mailbox, we try to send issues of the Goodland Outlook only when something important is coming up. The summer was slow and many items were postponed, so that’s why you haven’t heard from us in a while. More of The Goodland Coalition’s endorsements will appear in our next Goodland Outlook coming soon.


The Goodland Coalition is announcing our endorsements for the Goleta City Council Election taking place this fall when 2 seats are up for election.

We are proud to announce our endorsements of Stuart Kasdin and Kyle Richards. Both are Goleta residents who have not run for public office before.

We are confident that when elected, these bright, energetic candidates will offer an alternative to the fast growth that Goleta has been experiencing.

Both Stuart and Kyle have expressed their commitment to a more measured approach to Goleta’s growth, to bring Goleta’s growth in better line with its resources, not just water, but also road capacity, playgrounds, libraries and public safety.

Please take a moment to go to their websites where you can learn more about their qualifications and issues.

Stuart Kasdin:

Kyle Richards:

If you like what you see, and if you want Goleta to change its fast growth direction, consider offering them your support. Also, consider forwarding this message to your email friends and family.


This fall Goleta voters will decide whether to change to a mayor directly elected by the voters for a two- or four-year term.

The Goodland Coalition believes that there is no need to change the current system that has worked so well since incorporation. Here are some of the reasons:

  • The proposed change would consolidate more mayoral power by letting the mayor appoint all the members of important committees, such as the Goleta Planning Commission. Under the current system, each councilmember, including the mayor, appoints just one planning commissioner, making the commission more representative of the views on the council. And members of other advisory groups are selected by the entire city council.
  • The proposed change would be a waste of taxpayer money, not only increasing election costs but also because under state law, the council would have a blank check to increase the mayor’s compensation.

You can learn more by clicking here to read the Impartial Analysis by the Goleta City Attorney:

Again, The Goodland Coalition recommendation is rooted in the important maxim: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

The Goodland Coalition, 5710 Hollister Ave. #234, Goleta, CA 93117

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TGO #30 — An Invitation

— The Goodland Outlook, Edition 30 — April 8, 2016

Dear Goleta residents,

Here is your invitation to meet and ask questions directly to the person leading Goleta’s new zoning code effort. Goleta’s Director of Planning and Environmental Review, Jennifer Carman will be the featured guest this coming Thursday, April 14. Don’t miss this chance to have your questions answered and to share your concerns in an informal, relaxed setting.

The Public is Invited To:


Co-hosted by 

the Citizen’s Planning Association,

Goleta Valley Beautiful,

the Goodland Coalition,

the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara,


the Westside Goleta Coalition

Thursday, April 14, 2016, 6:30 to 8:00pm

At the Goleta Public Library, Multipurpose Room


6:30pm-7:00pm: An overview and community discussion on the City’s proposed new zoning code with city planning staff.

7:00pm-8:00pm: Q & A with Jennifer Carman, City of Goleta’s Director of Planning and Environmental Review, and Anne Wells, Planning Manager, Advance Planning Division.


Meeting is Free. All Are Welcome!

If you missed any of the meetings/workshops held by the City since January, this meeting is an opportunity to learn more.

This will be the only community-held meeting where the planning staff responsible for overseeing the development of the proposed code and setting the process for adoption will be available for a Q & A session.

Click HERE to receive future editions of the Goodland Outlook

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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117


TGO #29 — 4 New Items

The Goodland Outlook, Edition 29 — March 13, 2016

In this issue:

1.  THE COMMUNITY IS INVITED TO A COMMUNITY FORUM ON GOLETA DEVELOPMENT: “WHAT IS THERE NOW, AND WHAT WILL THE FUTURE BRING?” —  Wednesday, 3/16, noon – 2 p.m., at the Louise Lowry Davis Center, Victoria/de la Vina Streets, Santa Barbara. Sponsor: League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara County.

PROGRAM: First, the League’s long-time member and friend, and former Goleta mayor and council member, Margaret Connell will talk about how Goleta was formed and the vision behind its initial Community Plan.  She will be followed by 27-year Goleta Resident George Relles, Convener of The Goodland Coalition, who will talk about how the General Plan evolved, The Goodland’s own role in amending it, and some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen.

They will be followed by a presentation of two separate issues causing new concerns.

  • Cherie Topper, Santa Barbara Audubon Society’s executive director, will explain why a new coalition is forming to resist the rezoning of the Shelby Project from agriculture to residential.
  • Cecilia Brown, an experienced county planning commissioner, will discuss Goleta’s plan to adopt a completely new Rezoning Ordinance and the problems the public has in understanding it.

Finally, Robert Miller will discuss the Westside Goleta Coalition‘s successful effort to change the location of a new, enlarged California Highway Patrol substation in Goleta.

Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions of each speaker.

WHEN: March 16, 2016, Noon-2:00PM.

WHERE: The Louise Lowry Davis Center – corner of De la Vina and Victoria Street.

ADMISSION: Free, no reservation is necessary. Free parking. Bring a bag lunch, drinks will be provided.

2. THE COMMUNITY IS INVITED TO THE GOODLAND COALITION'S COMMUNITY FORUM ON GOLETA'S PROPOSED NEW ZONING CODE — sponsored by The Goodland Coalition and co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara and Citizens Planning Association of Santa Barbara County

PROGRAM: This unique program will allow for more in-depth interaction with City staff by providing more time to ask questions and comments and to hear specific staff responses on the proposed zoning code.

The Moderator will provide a brief introduction on the background of the process to date, what is happening next, and then introduce City staff.

Planning and Environmental Review Director Jennifer Carman and staff will make some comments and answer questions.

General information about the proposed changes and review process can be found at

WHEN: Thursday, April 14, 6:30-8:30PM.

WHERE: The Goleta Public Library 500 N Fairview Avenue, Goleta

ADMISSION: Free, no reservation is necessary


Here are details of upcoming City of Goleta meetings on Zoning

  • The last scheduled Open House on the Goleta Zoning Ordinance will take place April 7, Thursday 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Goleta City Council Chambers, 130 Cremona Drive. Staff attending will be able to provide general information and respond to participants’ questions.
  • The next Planning Commission Zoning Ordinance workshop is April 11, 6:00 p.m. in the Goleta City Council Chambers, 130 Cremona Drive.

The meetings are televised on Channel 19 and are also streamed on the Internet from the following link, where agenda and staff reports can also be obtained:



Mayor Farr and Councilmembers,

Next week the Design Review Board and the following week the Planning Commission will start their review of the sign ordinance which proposes to allow electronic changeable copy signs for quasi-public land uses (i.e., community assembly facilities which are churches and a facility like the Elks Lodge) located in residential areas.

In the northeast quadrant of the city where I live, N. Fairview to east of Cathedral Oaks, there are 11 of these facilities, most located in the heart of neighborhoods with the majority directly across from houses. Should these signs be codified into the ordinance, they will be a radical departure where now just two traditionally lighted and static changeable copy signs exist.

While electronic changeable copy signs allowed in the sign ordinance will be smaller than the colorful, brightly lighted, and visually distracting LED sign at Earl Warren Showgrounds, they will have many of the same characteristics. The sign ordinance allows them to “blink, flash, shimmer, glitter, rotate, and oscillate” and change copy every few seconds, making then totally out of place and character with residential living. Most importantly, electronic changeable copy signs are in conflict with the city’s General Plan land use and visual resource policies and inconsistent with other policies in the proposed zoning code. The city needs to rethink the use of these signs for any land use located in or near residential areas because of their incompatibility with residential zoning.

A consistent theme across a search of internet literature reveals the negative effect electronic changeable copy signs have on the quality of life of residential areas.  Now a part of the new sign ordinance, these signs should have been included for analysis and assessed for their impacts in the zoning code’s draft supplemental EIR (DSEIR).  But, there is no mention of them at all.

The Goodland Coalition believes this an oversight. In the DSEIR, there must be an analysis of these sign’s impacts and inconsistencies with the General Plan and mitigations provided for those impacts or if not possible, then a rewrite of the project description (the sign ordinance) to eliminate them is required. The community must know why the City of Goleta is imposing these community character changing signs on neighborhoods. To not have already had a public dialogue or discussion before decision maker hearings take place is a disservice to the public process. The three minutes allotted to speak at decision-maker hearings is insufficient and inadequate to address the many issues with these signs.


Cecilia Brown


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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117


TGO # 28 — 3 items

The Goodland Outlook Edition 28, January 22, 2016



1.  FREE PUBLIC MEETING: “Running for and Serving on
Goleta’s City Council”

The Goodland Coalition is responding to community interest in the duties and responsibilities of serving on Goleta’s City Council and what it takes to run for this office. The Coalition will be hosting a free, non-partisan public meeting on Thursday, February 4, 6:45 PM at the Goleta Public Library Meeting Room.


  •  Margaret Connell, Goleta’s first Mayor and twice elected to the City Council, will speak about the duties, rewards, and time commitment for serving on the Council, including attending council meetings, committees, and community functions, remuneration, and other considerations.
  • James Kyriaco, past campaign manager for several local elections, will speak about running for office – the mechanics of filing, deadlines, public speaking, and “electioneering” including campaign costs and fundraising.
  • Audience question and answer period: The attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of Margaret, James and former city councilmember Cynthia Brock. Attendees can also comment on what they are looking for in a city council candidate.

WHEN: Thursday, February 4, 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM
WHERE: Goleta Public Library, 500 N Fairview Ave, Goleta

2. Goleta’s Proposed Zoning Code  Revisions:  Opportunities to Learn More

Goleta’s Zoning Code will affect many issues regarding land use in Goleta. General information about the proposed changes and review process can be found at

Additional and more interactive ways for the community to learn about the City’s proposed zoning code is to attend Planning Commission meetings and/or one of the Open House Workshops discussing the code.

  • The next Planning Commission workshop is Monday Jan 25 at 6 PM and another will be held on February 8 at 6 PM. The meetings take place at Goleta City Hall. The meetings are televised on Channel 19 and are also streamed on the Internet from the following link, where agenda and staff reports can also be obtained
  • The first general Open House workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 4-7 PM. Another such workshop is scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 9AM-4 PM. Staff attending will be able to provide general information and respond to participants’ questions.

3. Update: CHP Station will not be built at the proposed West Hollister Location.

Here is the announcement from The Westside Goleta Coalition:

Westside Goleta Supporters,
I joyfully write to report that the CHP has decided it will not build its new Santa Barbara Area Replacement Office at 7780 Hollister! The news was personally delivered today by Captain Mark D’Arelli, our local CHP Commander. Captain D’Arelli came to my home to hand deliver a letter from CHP Commissioner J.A. Farrow. Commissioner Farrow and Captain D’Arelli told us they heard our concerns loud and clear at the December 8 hearing at the Goleta Valley Community Center.

In other words, the residents of western Goleta stood up to save their community from inappropriate development. The CHP listened and we are grateful.  We told Captain D’Arelli that we will do all that we can to help them find an appropriate location in Goleta. And we express our sincere appreciation to Commissioner Farrow, Captain D’Arelli and everyone in the local CHP office. We are pleased beyond words, and I thank every single one of you for your active support and participation throughout this challenging endeavor.

Robert K. Miller,

Westside Goleta Coalition


Click here to receive future editions of the Goodland Outlook

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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117

TGO #27 — 2 important items

This Edition is to inform Goletans about 2 important items:

– THINKING OF RUNNING FOR GOLETA CITY COUNCIL? The Goodland Coalition is hosting a free presentation for people interested in running for Goleta City Council in November 2016 when there will be two seats up for election.

– GOLETA’S PROPOSED NEW ZONING CODE. There are 3 important opportunities in January 2016 to learn and comment about Goleta’s proposed, new zoning code, especially relating to the new sign ordinance and on residential zoning. See especially the upcoming Monday, January 11, Goleta Planning Committee meeting.



The Goodland Coalition is responding to community interest in the duties and responsibilities of serving on Goleta’s City Council and what it takes to run for this office. We will be hosting a free, non-partisan public meeting:

WHEN: Thursday, February 4, 6:45 PM

WHERE: at the Goleta Public Library Meeting Room.


Margaret Connell, Goleta’s first Mayor and twice elected to the City Council, will speak about the duties, rewards, and time commitment for serving on the Council including attending council meetings, committees, and community functions, remuneration, and other considerations.

James Kyriaco, former campaign manager for several local elections, will speak about running for office, mechanics of filing, deadlines, public speaking, and “electioneering” including campaign costs and fundraising.

Audience question and answer period: The attendees will have the opportunity to ask Margaret and James questions. Attendees can also comment on what they are looking for in a city council candidate.

DATE & TIME: Thursday, February 4, 2016 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM

LOCATION: Goleta Public Library, 500 N. Fairview Ave, Goleta



* * *



As you may know, Goleta is entering the final stages of reviewing and approving its new Zoning Code.  The new code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta, as well as the process for review and approval of applications for development, signage, etc.

People interested in the proposed changes need to get involved now. So we’re writing to alert residents to several opportunities coming up soon to learn about the proposed new code and to participate in or watch the hearings.

1. The first opportunity is on Monday, January 11, 6 PM at the Goleta Planning Commission meeting at Goleta City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive, Goleta.  (Directions) Staff will give a review of the draft zoning ordinance Part I, General Provisions.   Below is a brief synopsis of what is included in the General Provisions.

Chapter 17.01 Introductory Provisions

Chapter 17.02 Rules for Construction of Language

Chapter 17.03 Rules of Measurement

Should you wish to get into the details of what is included in each chapter, go to

and then click on the Public Review Draft Zoning Ordinance link.

2. A second opportunity is the Goleta Planning Commission meeting of January 25 where staff will present a summary of the draft zoning ordinance Part II Base Zoning Districts. The first chapter, 17.07, pertains to Residential Zoning.  This section is of particular importance to people concerned about what areas are designated for residential use and the characteristics allowed for those residences.

Should you wish to get into the details, go to

And click on the Public Review Draft Zoning Ordinance link.

3. At 3 PM on January 26 at the Goleta Design Review Board meeting, members will consider the draft sign ordinance. This is a document of particular importance because the standards in it very much affect the visual aesthetic of the city. Since the city’s incorporation, the city has not enforced its sign ordinance, leaving some areas of the city with many illegal and unpermitted signs.

The public is invited to attend meetings on zoning. In addition, agendas, staff reports and links to view the meetings via live streaming can be accessed at the website below.

People and organizations interested in the new zoning code need to begin now to become informed and weigh in on the proposed changes. 

Click here to receive future editions of the Goodland Outlook

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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117

TGO #26 — Shelby & CHP & New Goleta Zoning Code

  1. Shelby Development: The City’s Hearing on the Adequacy of the EIR for the Shelby Project will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 P.M. At City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive.
  1. Save the Date Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM for a Public Hearing on the Proposed New CHP Station in West Goleta.
  1. City of Goleta’s Proposed Zoning Code is Now Available
  1. Shelby Development: The City’s Hearing on the Adequacy of the EIR for the Shelby Project will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 P.M. At City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive.


1. The Shelby Residential Project is proposed for the parcel immediately to the west of the Glen Annie Golf Course.

The owner of this parcel has applied to the City of Goleta to amend our General Plan and re-zone the property from agriculture to residential.  If approved, 60 single-family homes will be built there. They will be for sale only, likely in the range of $750,000 – $1,000,000+ each.

The Revised Draft Project EIR can be viewed at: . It identified a number of significant, unavoidable impacts that cannot be mitigated, including permanent loss of mountain views, agricultural land, and important biological habitats, as well as significant increases in traffic, noise, and air pollution.  Click on “City Hall,” then on “Planning and Environmental Review,” then on “CEQA Review,” then on “Shelby Project.”

With over 1,000 residential units already approved or under construction in Goleta, there is NO NEED to rezone more land for housing, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan. And in 2012 Goleta residents passed the Goleta Farm Protection initative by 72%, a good indication that we don’t want more farm land rezoned for development. Unfortunately, the rezoning proposal for the Shelby parcel had already been “initiated,” so it is not subject to this restriction.

You can make your voice heard by attending a meeting on the adequacy of the EIR on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive.  You also can voice your opinion and concerns on this project by e-mailing: Lisa Prasse ( orJan Hubbell (, City of Goleta Planning & Environmental Review Department, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117, and to our City Council members (copy and paste their e-mail addresses into the TO: section of your e-mail:,,  tvallejo@cityofgoleta.orgjfarr@cityofgoleta.orgon or before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2015.

* * *

  1. Save the Date Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM for a Public Hearing on the Proposed New CHP Station in West Goleta

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: To have a real impact on this project, attend a community meeting with the proponent of this project, the California Department of General Services on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM at the Goleta Valley Community Center located at 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta.

It is imperative that many Goleta residents ATTEND this one and only meeting with State representatives in order to demonstrate to the state Goleta residents’ conviction that this project should be built at a site more appropriate for this use.

The main issue is that a major CHP station in this location is a very bad fit for a neighborhood that has an adjoining Ellwood school, Goleta’s sensitive butterfly preserve, an assisted living residence, and two large residential communities.

This project will include a large vehicle inspection station, large above-ground fuel tanks, microwave transmissions from a 148′ radio tower, an auto maintenance yard, oil & solvents, hazardous materials. Hazardous fumes and microwave emissions pose an unacceptable danger and nuisance to humans and other species living and going to school nearby.

The State of California’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed California Highway Patrol Station at 7400 Hollister Avenue is now available for public review and comment. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments.

For more details on the 7 greatest concerns gleaned from the EIR, click here:!visual-blight-gallery/c102m

The Draft EIR and related documents can be accessed at ( . Comments on the EIR will be accepted until Monday, December 28, 2015.   Comments on the document should be directed to: Jennifer Parson, Senior Environmental Planner, State of California Department of General Services Real Estate Services Division, Project Management & Development Branch, 707 Third Street, 4th Floor, MS509, West Sacramento, CA 95605,

  1. City of Goleta’s Proposed Zoning Code is Now Available

The City of Goleta released the public review draft of their proposed zoning code the week before Thanksgiving.  For those not wanting to wait for the late January community meetings to learn about the new code and proposed changes, you can access the proposed code and related material now at the city’s website – .

However, if you want to start reading some of the proposed changes from the current code to the new one, a good place to start is by reviewing  the zoning code Numerical Standards Comparison Tables, Existing to Proposed.  While available on the city’s website above, you can also pick up a FREE(!) paper copy of this document at the City’s zoning counter. At 48 double-sided pages on 11 x 17 paper, it is somewhat more accessible than the proposed zoning code which is a daunting 484 pages!

Another way to review the document is to start at the beginning (!) of the Public Review Draft where a user guide followed by a table of contents will assist in finding the material/section you might be interested in.

If you have specific issues you wish to address, you can call 961-7557 to make appointment with the planners on this project.

A future edition of the Goodland Outlook will provide more information on the scheduling of the public meetings and other opportunities to learn about the new zoning code.

Click here to receive future editions of the Goodland Outlook

Like the Goodland Coalition on Facebook

The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117

TGO #25 — 11.13.15

This Outlook is to alert you to:

1. SHELBY — The EIR is now available for public comment for the proposed 60 Unit Shelby housing development on land currently zoned for agriculture, and the proposed new CHP station on Hollister. Both of these projects are in West Goleta.

2. THE NEW CHP STATION — The EIR is now available for public comment for the proposed CHP station on Hollister near Ellwood School.

3. NEW GOLETA ZONING CODE — Goleta’s proposed new Zoning Code will be released to the public in November 2016. The new Code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta.

4. TWO CITY COUNCIL SEATS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION IN NOVEMBER 2016 — We’ll soon announce an upcoming program to inform the public about opportunities to run for the two seats on Goleta’s city council that will be up for election in less than one year (November 2016.

* * *

1. SHELBY: The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Shelby development is now available for public review and comments. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments. The development contains 60 units of single-family houses on a 14.38-net acre property at 7400 Cathedral Oaks Road (APN 077-530-019) next to the Glen Annie Golf Course. Here are some issues the public is concerned about:

  • The property is zoned for agriculture and so the developer is requesting that the zoning should be changed to residential, which is contrary to the will of the people expressed in Goleta’s General Plan.
  • With over 1,500 housing units approved or under construction, there is no great need to rezone for more housing, especially for-sale housing that few Goletans can afford to buy.

To review the EIR, click the url or copy/paste into your browser:

The comment deadline (environmental issues only) is December 14, 2015 at 5pm. An Environmental Hearing Officer hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd, at 5pm at City Hall. The planners are as follows:  Lisa Prasse, Current Planning Manager, 805.961.7542;  Jan Hubbell, Contract Planner.


The State of California’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed California Highway Patrol Station at 7400 Hollister Avenue is now available for public review and comment. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments.

The main issue is that a major CHP station in this location is a very bad fit for a neighborhood that has an adjoining Ellwood school, Goleta’s sensitive butterfly preserve, an assisted living residence, and two large residential communities.

This project will include a large vehicle inspection station, large above-ground fuel tanks, microwave transmissions from a 148′ radio tower, an auto maintenance yard, oil & solvents, hazardous materials. Hazardous fumes and microwave emissions pose an unacceptable danger and nuisance to humans and other species living and going to school nearby.

For more details on the 7 greatest concerns gleaned from the EIR, click here or post this url into your browser:!visual-blight-gallery/c102m

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: To have a real impact, attend a community meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 pm at the Goleta Valley Community Center located at 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, CA 93117, hosted by the California Department of General Services.

The Draft EIR and related documents can be accessed at:

Comments on the EIR will be accepted until Monday, December 28, 2015.   Comments on the document should be directed to: Jennifer Parson, Senior Environmental Planner, State of California Department of General Services Real Estate Services Division, Project Management & Development Branch, 707 Third Street, 4th Floor, MS509, West Sacramento, CA 95605,

* * *


Work is being completed on a new Zoning Code for Goleta that should be available to the public in November 2015.

The new code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta, including:

  • Not just what development will be allowed but also redevelopment
  • Not just public property but also commercial and residential property
  • Not just what you can do on your land or to your house, but also what your neighbors can do – from putting up signs, building an addition, putting commercial activities next to residential and vice versa.
  • The zoning ordinance will also spell out changes in the current zoning PROCESSES, with potential changes such as:

—What notice will be given to the public when zoning variances are requested;
—How much “flexibility” will be allowed for City staff to approve zoning variances and other changes administratively, rather than in open meetings where the public can provide input;
—Whether zoning decisions can be appealed and to whom.

How to Get Involved:

The Goodland Coalition will be working with other community groups and Goleta Staff to help get information to the public on proposed changes to the zoning code. Sources of information will include:

—The City of Goleta website specifically devoted to the zoning where you will be able to get more info is: .

—The Goodland Coalition may schedule additional forums to help the public delve into some of the topic-specific sections of the new code.

— Future editions of The Goodland Outlook will bring you more information on how you can participate in the process and learn how the zoning code will affect you.

* * *


As you may know, there has also been much community interest and discussion about having additional people running for office when council members Jim Farr’s and Tony Vallejo’s seats are up for re-election in November 2016.

For these reasons, The Goodland Coalition announces that early in 2016 we plan to sponsor one or more non-partisan, informational public meetings with people who will speak on:

  • The job of serving on Goleta’s City council, the time commitment, qualifications, remuneration, etc.;
  • What it takes to run,how to qualify on the ballot, the time commitment, fundraising, campaign management resources, etc.

There will be time scheduled for audience questions.

Please email The Goodland Coalition, , if you think you might be interested in attending such a meeting, even if you are not necessarily interested in being a candidate yourself.

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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117

TGO #24 — But Wait, There’s More!

The Goodland Outlook, Edition 24, October 30, 2015

This TGO edition is titled “But Wait, There’s More” for a reason. Some Goleta residents think that the unfortunate 3-2 City Council vote approving the 175-unit Goleta Old Town housing development is the end of Goleta’s build-out and that no more projects will be coming up.

This Outlook is to:

  1. Give a brief summary of Goleta City Council’s 3-2 approval of a 175-unit development in Old Town, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan.
  2. Point out that several more significant projects are being proposed. Two of the biggest looming projects are coming up in the next few months, see below.
  3. Alert residents to the upcoming revision of Goleta’s zoning code that could have a greater impact on Goleta than all the projects combined.
  4. Point to several actions Goleta residents can take to get Goleta back on track and preserve what’s left of the Goodland.

If you care about the growing traffic, noise, insufficient sidewalk repairs, reduced library hours and lack of recreation, please read on.


As some may have heard, this 175 unit development was approved by council members Aceves, Farr and Vallejo. Mayor Perotte and council member Bennett voted NO. At the hearing about 18 people, including several Old Town residents testified in opposition. Only the Goleta Chamber of Commerce representative and one other person spoke in favor. This project was approved despite the facts that:

  • It will add even more traffic to already crowded Hollister, as people will have to drive to get to schools, hardware stores, major shopping venues such as Vons, Costco, Ralphs
  • Goleta already has about 1,500 housing units approved or under construction.
  • It did not provide the 20% affordable housing that projects are supposed to include
  • It required a rezone, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan that we all worked so hard on.



A. The Shelby development, 60 units of single-family houses on a 14.38-net acre property at 7400 Cathedral Oaks Road (APN 077-530-019) next to the Glen Annie Golf Course. The property is zoned for agriculture and so the developer is requesting that the zoning should be changed to residential, which is contrary to the will of the people expressed in Goleta’s General Plan.

To learn more, click here

B. The Heritage Ridge development (aka “Willow Springs III”) at Los Carneros just south of U.S. Highway 101 and the Union Pacific Railroad corridor and north of Camino Vista Road.

This project includes 360 rental apartments and a request to provide 345 parking spaces rather than the required 367 spaces. (NOTE: This is just across Los Carneros from the approved Los Carneros Village of 465 units currently under construction.)

To learn more, click here:


3. New Goleta Zoning Code 

Work is being completed on a new Zoning Code for Goleta that should be available to the public in November 2015. Goleta has a website specifically devoted to the zoning code where we expect the new code will first appear: . The City of Goleta is planning community outreach and meetings with the public on the code for January 2016.

The new code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta, including:
– Not just what development will be allowed but also redevelopment
– Not just public property but also commercial and residential property
– Not just what you can do on your land or to your house, but also what your neighbors can do – from putting up signs, building an addition, putting commercial activities next to residential and vice versa
– Mountain views, coastal access, shoreline access and visitor using services could be compromised
– The location and re-location of public services such as hospitals and those serving airport facilities.

The zoning ordinance will also spell out changes in the current zoning PROCESSES, with potential changes such as:

What notice will be given to the public when zoning variances are requested
How much “flexibility” will be allowed for City staff to approve zoning variances and other changes administratively, rather than in open meetings where the public can provide input
Whether zoning decisions can be appealed and to whom.

Future editions of The Goodland Outlook will bring you more info on the roll-out of the zoning code and how you can participate in the process and to learn how the zoning code will affect you.

4. What Goleta Residents Can Do To Keep Goleta The Goodland 

Goletans don’t quit. Here are some action items we can all take:

– Register to vote. Two current council members, Jim Farr and Tony Vallejo will be up for re-election in November 2016

– Consider running for City Council and encouraging others to do so

– Sign up and post on Goleta’s Nextdoor site that has good discussions on what’s happening in Goleta

– Keep in touch with local events by joining other local advocacy groups such as
League of Women Voters Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara County Action Network

Citizens Planning Association of Santa Barbara


– When you hear about an upcoming hearing on a project, contact the council members and voice your opinion by phone, email or in person at the hearing. Just copy and paste their email addresses into the TO: section of your email:,,,,

– Write letters to the local newspapers. Let your voice be heard.

– Send an email to us, the Goodland Coalition at with any other ideas on how we can come together to slow down the unsustainable pace of Goleta development.

– Encourage your friends and neighbors to sign up for their own issues of The Goodland Outlook such as this one by just sending a request to . It’s free and you can cancel at any time.

– Sign up your friends and relatives to The Goodland Coalition’s email. Get the news before it’s posted here — we won’t spam!

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TGO #23 — 10.15.2015

The Goodland Outlook, Edition 23

October 15, 2015

The Goodland Coalition is forwarding to you this email we received because we think it is of interest to people concerned about the future of Goleta. Please forward this email to your friends and family.

This edition is to tell you about a meeting in less than a week to approve a 175- unit building in Old Town Goleta and why it should be opposed.

Mark Twain is said to have famously observed, “Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Lately there have been a lot of complaints about the nature and speed of developments in Goleta. On Tuesday, October 20 at 6PM there is a chance for Goleta residents to DO something about it.

At their Oct. 20 6PM meeting, the Goleta City Council will be asked to approve the Old Town Village development. Here’s a brief description:

  • – 175 mixed-use units immediately west of the intersection of Kellogg Way and South Kellogg Avenue.
  • – The units include 113 traditional residential townhomes that consist of 90 four-bedroom units and 23 two-bedroom units; 34 live-work townhomes; 28 shopkeeper townhomes; a community center; and several types of green open spaces.
  • – You can see more by viewing the meeting Agenda Item E1 at
  • This development proposal is coming back after the council deadlocked 2-2 on this project a few weeks ago. Council member Jim Farr, who was absent at the last meeting, will be present and probably cast the deciding vote this time.

    In voting against the project, Mayor Perotte and Council Member Bennett cited 3 main points that are still valid:

    – APPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT DEPENDS ON REZONING THE PROPERTY FOR HOUSING, A MAJOR CHANGE TO TO GOLETA’S GENERAL PLAN.  We have plenty of other housing, around 1,000 units, recently approved or under construction in the Hollister Corridor. And Goleta’s General Plan contains even more zoning for housing. We shouldn’t disrespect the thousands of hours of community input that made up our current General Plan, especially when there is no pressing need.

    – REZONING THIS SITE NOW WILL MAKE IT UNAVAILABLE TO POSSIBLY FULFILL FUTURE STATE QUOTAS. In the future, the State of CA will again require that Goleta re-zone more land for housing. We will need places such as this site for this purpose. If it is already developed for housing, we will have to rezone elsewhere, possibly at higher density.

    – REZONING THIS PROPERTY DEPRIVES GOLETA OF SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL REVENUE. This property is zoned for visitor serving. When built a convention center and hotel would generate millions of dollars in sales tax, occupancy tax and property tax revenue that Goleta could use for public safety, libraries, recreation, roads and other infrastructure. In contrast, the property tax revenues Goleta would receive from the proposed development would be relatively tiny, especially after 50% of it would be shared with SB County.

    – THIS PROJECT INCLUDES ONLY 15% AFFORDABLE UNITS, UNDER THE NORMAL 20% STANDARD. This is supposedly in exchange for the developer providing some of the land for the extension of Ekwill Road, north of the project. So 85% of this development’s units will be sold at market rate, which most of Goleta’s current residents cannot afford.

    – Show up at the hearing in City Council Chambers and testify at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Oct. 20.
    – Send an email to City Council members, the City Manager and Director of Planning (see contact information below). Let them know that you oppose approval of this project for the reasons above.
    & & &
    To contact Goleta’s mayor, City Council, City Manager and Director of Planning, copy the email addresses below into the TO: section of an email.,,,,,,

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