— The Goodland Outlook, Edition 32 — September 15, 2016
Along with the Goodland Outlook we sent you last week, today’s Outlook is critically important to Goleta’s future:
- The elections this fall will be not only for two Goleta City Council seats and for determining how we pick our mayor.
- This fall’s election will determine who will serve as 3rd District Supervisor for a large number of Goleta residents.
- It will also determine 3 seats on the Goleta Water Board District, so vital to our residents.
Mail in voting begins in about 30 days from when you receive this.
So this Outlook contains our endorsements for 3rd District Supervisor and for Goleta Water Board District. And in case you missed the last Outlook, we’ll repeat our endorsements for the two city council seats and a measure to change the way we pick our Mayor that will be part of your ballot. Please take a moment to review our recommendations. We encourage you to forward this email to your friends and family who care about Goleta.
THE GOODLAND COALITION’S ENDORSEMENTS, the short version (more detail below):
Goleta City Council:
Kyle Richards
Stuart Kasdin
3 rd District County Supervisor:
Joan Hartmann
Goleta’s Proposed Measure for an elected Goleta Mayor (C2016):
Vote NO
Goleta Water District Board:
Lauren Hanson
Rich Merrifield
Bill Rosen
More endorsement details are below…but first…
Mark your calendar to attend the Goleta City Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20, where they will discuss closing Venoco’s Ellwood Onshore Facility (EOF) processing oil at Haskell’s Beach. This is a non-conforming structure and The Goodland Coalition seeks to have it closed so the public has access to this land that is currently zoned for recreation. For an article detailing the history and issues, see: http://www.independent.com/news/2016/jul/18/time-close- ellwood-onshore- facility/
Click here for the webpage containing a link to the staff report on this item or paste into your browser: https://goleta.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2836336&GUID=E29F0930-5A65-4FE2-B159-35163196EE95
It is vital that the council hear from you in person or via email. Tell them they should take steps to close the EOF as soon as possible.
Here are their email addresses that you can copy into the TO: section of your email or click on the address.
Endorsements for Goleta’s City Council Election
As we indicated in our previous Goodland Outlook, we are proud to announce our endorsements of Stuart Kasdin and Kyle Richards. Both are Goleta residents who have not run for public office before.
Both Stuart and Kyle have expressed their commitment to a more measured approach to Goleta’s growth, to bring Goleta’s growth in better line with its resources, not just water, but also road capacity, playgrounds, libraries and public safety.
Please take a moment to go to their websites where you can learn more about their qualifications and issues.
Stuart Kasdin: http://www.stuartkasdin.com/
Kyle Richards: http://www.kylerichards.org/
And see Kyle’s events here: http://www.kylerichards.org/events.html
If you like what you see, and if you want Goleta to change its fast growth direction, consider offering them your support. Also, consider forwarding this message to your email friends and family.
Opposition to the proposed measure for an elected Goleta mayor (C2016)
This fall Goleta voters will decide whether to change to a mayor directly elected by the voters for a two- or four-year term. The Goodland Coalition believes that there is no need to change the current system that has worked so well since incorporation. Here are some of the reasons:
- The proposed change would consolidate more mayoral power by letting the mayor appoint all the members of important committees, such as the Goleta Planning Commission. Under the current system, each counci lmember, including the mayor, appoints just one planning commissioner, making the commission more representative of the views on the council. And members of other advisory groups are selected by the entire city council.”
- The proposed change would be a waste of taxpayer money, not only increasing election costs but also because under state law, the council would have a blank check to increase the mayor’s compensation.
You can learn more by clicking here to read the Impartial Analysis by the City Attorney: http://www.cityofgoleta.org/home/showdocument?id=12042
Just vote “NO” on C2016
Endorsement for 3rd District Supervisor
We endorse Joan Hartmann for 3 rd District Supervisor. Joan won the primary election against 4 other candidates and now is in a run-off with Bruce Porter. Joan has distinguished herself with a lifetime of public service, from serving as an advocate for foster children to serving on SB County’s Planning Commission. She is a water expert from her work pioneering the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, a partnership of Government agencies, non-profit organizations, environmentalists, scientists and developers.
Joan also is in the forefront of protecting our neighborhoods. She led “Buellton is Our Town,” the successful grassroots campaign that gave Buellton voters the final say on whether to expand beyond city boundaries. And she then helped our own Goodland Coalition with our successful Goleta Farmland Protection Initiative in 2012. We won by 71% and now 5 major agricultural parcels in Goleta can’t be rezoned unless Goleta residents vote yes.
NOTE: While only the Western part of the City of Goleta is in the 3 rd District, we are all affected by who the 3 rd District Supervisor will be. All supervisors provide key County services to Goleta, plus affect all the development just outside Goleta’s boundaries, including The Gaviota Coast.
Please see Joan Hartmann’s website at http://joanhartmannforsupervisor.org/
Endorsements for Goleta Water District Board
We are endorsing the three incumbents, Lauren Hanson, Rick Merrifield and Bill Rosen. We believe that this group has done a good job under very difficult circumstances of the ongoing drought. They took steps to preserve current water supplies, such as invoking the Stage III measures and Measure J, denying new water meters to new projects. Additionally, GWD added new supplies by purchasing water from other districts. And GWD has communicated about our difficult water outlook with the City of Goleta Planning Department.
To learn more about these candidates, please see their websites.
The Goodland Coalition, 5710 Hollister Ave. #234, Goleta, CA 93117
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