Edition 17 May 6, 2014
This email sent to subscribers (see below for how to subscribe) contains information about several important items related to Goleta development.
- Villages At Los Carneros: The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for 465 residential units on 43 acres at Los Carneros and Highway 101
- Shelby Development: The EIR for 60 residential units on 14.4 acres on Cathedral Oaks, west of Storke. This property is currently zoned for agriculture
- The ongoing process to create a new Goleta Zoning Ordinance
- Good news on Goleta Oil development – Venoco processing in Ellwood
Also, here is good news: The Goodland Coalition’s new website is now online: Check it out!!!
The draft EIR for this major development can be found here.
If approved, this development would include 465 residential units to be built on 43 acres just south of highway 101 and west of Los Carneros.
While this development has much merit, including some rental and affordable housing, under its current design it would allow development closer to Tecolotito Creek than the 100 foot setback required by Goleta’s General Plan. A key concern is that Tecolotito and related creeks are the most significant migration corridor between the foothills above Goleta and the Goleta Slough. Less than the minimum required 100 foot setback not only impacts water quality, filtering and runoff; it also threatens the habitat of small animals and birds.
Public comments on the EIR can be sent to Kathy Allen or paste to your email, .
The draft EIR for 60 residential units on 14.4 acres is online here: There will be 2 key issues:
- Should Goleta re-zone this agriculturally zone land to residential, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan?
- Should Goleta also allow development within the 100 foot setback from a creek, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan?
A public hearing on the adequacy of both the project and the General Plan Amendment EIRs will be held by the City on Thursday, May 22, 2014, at 5:30 PM in the City Council Chambers, Goleta City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA. All comments must be received no later than Monday, June 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM. Public comments on the EIR are due to Planner Shine Ling,, 805.961.7548 by June 9th.
Public sessions continue and it is important that Goleta residents attend and have their voices heard. Yes, this affects everyone in Goleta because the new zoning code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta. It will affect:
- Not just what development will be allowed but also redevelopment
- Not just public property but also commercial and residential property
- Not just what you can do on your land or to your house, but also what your neighbors can do – from putting up signs, building an addition, putting commercial activities next to residential and vice versa
- Mountain views, coastal access, shoreline access and visitor using services could be compromised
- The location and re-location of public services such as hospitals and those serving airport facilities.
The zoning ordinance will also spell out changes in the current zoning PROCESSES, changes such as:
- What notice will be given to the public when zoning variances are requested
- How much “flexibility” will be allowed for City staff to approve zoning variances and other changes administratively, rather than in open meetings where the public can provide input
- Whether zoning decisions can be appealed and to whom.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE [From the City of Goleta]: Monday, May 12th from 5-6 p.m.: City staff and the project consultant will host an Open House for an informal discussion with Goleta residents on a continuation of Module #2 (regulations applying in some or all zoning districts – parking, signs, landscaping and standards for specific uses) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Monday, May 12th from 6-8 p.m.: The Planning Commission will have a study session on Module #2 of the Zoning Code. These meetings will be held in City Council Chambers at 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117.
Community workshops on the draft ordinance will also be scheduled after the Commission’s review of the modules in order to present the new framework for zoning which emerges from the Commission’s initial work and to delve into some of the specifics. A new zoning map will also be available for review at these workshops. Check the project website, Goleta Zoning, for dates of upcoming meetings to attend and for draftÊmaterials available for review.
Venoco Inc.’s desire to start producing oil from the Haskell’s Beach pier recently was delayed for further study.
The California State Lands Commission requested that the EIR be recirculated, this time with more information. While many of the processing facilities, such as the Ellwood Onshore Facility, are within the City of Goleta the oil and gas lease is within the state’s jurisdiction.
The Goleta City Council voted 5-0 (See: Noozhawk) to send a letter to the State Lands Commission expressing concerns about allowing Venoco to resume oil production on Pier 421 in the tidal zone at Haskell’s as well as concerns about prolonging the life of the Ellwood Onshore Facility, which is supposed to close after Platform Holly stops producing.
After deliberation the commission decided it wanted to further analyze the alternative of processing at the Las Flores Canyon facility instead. This is considered a very positive step in preventing more spills and industrial impacts within the City of Goleta.
The Goodland Coalitions Steering Committee, composed solely of un-paid volunteers, needs your support.
Operating without grants or dues, we volunteer our time, expertise and energy to re-enforce Goleta’s General Plan provisions, especially those intended to reduce traffic, protect views and agriculture, and avoid projects with higher than planned density. To continue, we need your help to pay for some legal and other expenses.
So we’re reaching out, asking you to donate whatever you can afford. Please send your donation made out to The Goodland Coalition to 5710 Hollister Avenue #234, Goleta, CA 93117. Thank you for your support. Or see our Donate page for a PayPal or credit card donation. Click here to receive future editions of the Goodland Outlook Like the Goodland Coalition on Facebook