— The Goodland Outlook, March 26, 2019 —
Friends: It’s been a while since we published our last Goodland Outlook. We have been very busy, especially working on Goleta’s zoning ordinance revision (see below.) So now here is some of the latest the good news.
- Come Celebrate the Jonny Wallis Old Town Park Opening Celebration on March 30 at 10AM
- Come to Goleta’s FREE Third Annual State of the City on April 4 at the Goleta Community Center on April 4 at 6PM
- Into the Home Stretch –Goleta’s Zoning Ordinance Revision
- Great News: Goleta Receives Grant for San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path
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all the DETAILS:
- Come Celebrate the Jonny Wallis Old Town Park Opening Celebration on March 30 at 10AM
The public is invited to join in the fun at the celebratory opening of Old Town Goleta’s Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park, starting on Saturday, March 30, 10:00AM – 2:00PM. There will be food and fun activities (see schedule below.)
This park has something for kids and adults. It is located at 170 S. Kellogg Avenue (corner of Hollister and Kellogg Avenues). In addition to walking paths and picnic areas, included in the park are a basketball court, skating plaza, multi-purpose field, handball court, bocce ball court, ping-pong tables, pickleball court, walking paths, picnic areas.
Schedule of Events:
- 10:00 a.m. – Pickleball Demo
- 10:30 a.m. – Bankshot Demo
- 11:00 a.m. – RIBBON CUTTING
- 11:30 a.m. – Tour of Park
- 12:00 p.m. – Fitness Nodes Demo
- 12:30 p.m. – Skateboard Demo followed by Instructional Support
- 1:00 p.m. – Bocce Ball Demo
- 1:30 p.m. – Tennis Court Net Set-Up
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- Come to Goleta’s FREE Third Annual State of the City, at the Goleta Community Center on April 4 at 6PM
The public is invited to Goleta’s Third Annual State of the City on Thursday, April 4 at 6PM. It will take place at the Goleta Valley Community Center auditorium (5679 Hollister Avenue). Spanish translation is provided.
Mayor Paula Perotte and City Manager Michelle Greene will talk about…well…the state of Goleta and then will answer your questions.
If you can’t be there you’ll miss out on the refreshments and the chance to ask questions. But still, the event will be rebroadcast on Goleta TV (without cookies) on channels 19/104.148. A video will also be available on the Goleta’s website at www.cityofgoleta.org.
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- Into the Home Stretch –Goleta’s Zoning Ordinance Revision
As you may know, efforts are continuing to revise Goleta’s Zoning Ordinance so it will be in line with Goleta’s General Plan. This is a massive effort. But you can get our briefing customized for you, just by attending a community meeting we are hosting (with refreshments.) Come to the Goleta Library at 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 25.
Also, the City of Goleta workshops continue, with a schedule as outlined below.
“Why should you care about zoning?” you may ask. If you answer YES to at least 2 of the 6 questions below, you probably should care:
- – Do you care if your next door neighbor in your residential neighborhood applies to re-zone his property to open a drive-thru hamburger stand?
- – Do you care if your ability to park your boat or RV near your house is reduced?
- – Do you care if the business next to yours installs a large, glaring movable sign that flashes night and day?
- – Do you care if development occurs within a few feet of a creek or environmentally sensitive area?
- – Do you care if someone builds a shopping center or a hotel before you have a chance to comment on how the building blocks mountain views or what the building will look like?
- – Do you care if the buyer of the house next door tears it down and builds a three-story house in its place within 3 feet of your house?
Yes, the new zoning ordinance will affect every single property and development in Goleta. So, how can you get informed and participate? There are 2 easy opportunities, without having to go to get your Planning School Degree:
- We at The Goodland Coalition are inviting the public to a community meeting specifically on Goleta’s New Zoning Ordinance 6:30PM, Thursday, April 25, 2019 at the Goleta Library. “Superstars” from the City of Goleta will be there to provide the “Cliff Notes” version and answer your questions.
– Amaze your friends and family with your sudden knowledge of land use and zoning!
– Ask questions about issues that will affect you.
– Give your input on how things should work in Goleta pertaining to current and future land use and development.
- In addition, if you want your voice to be heard on zoning issues, here are some important dates of special Planning Commission meetings that you can attend and weigh in on specific topics in the draft New Zoning Ordinance
- Workshop 5: Monday, April 8, 2019, 6:00 pm
Topics: RV Parking, Parking Reductions, Signs, and Lighting - Workshop 6: Thursday, April 11, 2019, 6:00 pm
Topics: Housing, Community Assembly, Mobile Vendors, Accessory Uses, and Energy - Workshop 7: Thursday, April 18, 2019, 6:00 pm
Topics: Remaining Issues and General Feedback - Joint City Council/Planning Commission Workshop: Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 6:00 pm
Topics: NZO Finalization and Adoption Process
The Workshops are hosted at City Council Chambers, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117
To learn even more about the zoning ordinance revision process, click here: http://www.goletazoning.com/
You can also contact: Anne Wells, Advance Planning Manager (awells@cityofgoleta.org or 805.961.7500).
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- Great News: Goleta Receives Grant for San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path
The City of Goleta recently announced receiving a $14 million grant on January 30, 2019, for the San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path. This path will fully connect the regional bike/pedestrian network to Goleta Beach and the Coast Route Trail in the south.
This north-south connection will improve safety and access to the schools, shopping, services, and Goleta Neighborhood Clinic north of US 101 and the Class 1 bike path to the south, providing access especially to UCSB to the west, and to the County and City of Santa Barbara to the east.
The City will work on the conceptual design and environmental phases of the Project, hoping to construct the path in 2019-2020.
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P.S. Forward a link to this website page to your friends who may not be on our list.
To send an email to Mayor Perotte, city council members Aceves, Bennett, Kasdin and Richards and City Manager Greene, copy the following and past it into the TO: section of an email.
pperotte@cityofgoleta.org, raceves@cityofgoleta.org, mbennett@cityofgoleta.org, skasdin@cityofgoleta.org, krichards@cityofgoleta.org, mgreene@cityofgoleta.org