— The Goodland Outlook, Edition 36—
May 16, 2017
Below you will find 2 items of IMMEDIATE interest. Please forward this information to your family and friends as soon as possible.
1. INVITATION to a Free Goleta Development Forum TOMORROW, May 17, 6:30 PM (note that a technical difficulty prevented us from sending this Outlook earlier, but you may have received notice of tomorrow’s forum through other emails and postings. We have received a positive response from the public.)
2. Notice of a Planning Commission hearing on 33 residential units proposed to be added to the 274 already existing units at Hollister Village (Westar)
1. INVITATION to a Free Goleta Development Forum TOMORROW, May 17, 6:30 PM
The Goodland Coalition https://thegoodlandcoalition.org/ invites the public to a FREE forum on Goleta Development, How It Gets Approved and What YOU Can Do About It.
* During the forum’s first 45 minutes, a panel of knowledgeable community members and activists will present a brief overview of
– Who makes what decisions?
– What rules govern decision-making?
– Who are the decision makers (and how did they get there)?
– How can YOU influence the development process?
* Audience members are invited to participate in a question-and-answer session following the presentation.
*Come for the session, stay for the cookies.
6:30 PM, May 17. The forum will be repeated on May 25 for those who cannot attend the first event.
Goleta Public Library, 500 N Fairview Ave, Goleta, CA 93117 in the large community meeting room.
R.S.V.P. is optional, just to make sure we have enough cookies: info@thegoodlandcoalition.org
To learn more about The Goodland Coalition, click on https://thegoodlandcoalition.org/
- Notice of a Planning Commission hearing on 33 residential units proposed to be added to the 274 already existing units at Hollister Village (Westar)
The Planning Commission hearing on this project is on Monday May 22, 2017 at 6 P.M. at City Council Chambers, located at 230 Cremona Dr. The entrance is at the rear of the building.Goleta Hollister Apartments LLC and Goleta Hollister Triangle LLC, has requested approval of 16 studio and 17 one bedroom apartments for a total of 33 apartments on 1.84 acres.
The Project site is located on Village Way, north of Hollister Avenue, west of Storke Road and immediately west of South Glen Annie Road (7000 Hollister Avenue).
Some project details:
- The development includes two 40 foot elevator towers that will further block mountain views.
- The development seeks to create rooftop gardens as a substitute for required open space. This rooftop area would be SEPARATE from other project open space. Since Goleta’s General Plan says that housing site design should include usable, contiguous open space, a rooftop garden should not qualify.
- The project will worsen traffic on Hollister and Storke. Caltrans and SBCAG have expressed concerns about the project.
You can express your views on this proposed development by attending the Planning Commission hearing. Or you can send in an email to Goleta’s Planner on this project, Mary Chang, Supervising Senior Planner atmchang@cityofgoleta.org or 805-961-7567.
You can see details of this proposal here http://www.cityofgoleta.org/city-hall/planning-and-environmental-review/ceqa-review/hollister-village-apartment-project
The Staff report for this project should be available on this Thursday, May 18 at Goleta’s websitehttp://www.cityofgoleta.org/i-want-to/news-and-updates/government-meeting-agendas-and-videos
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The Goodland Coalition, 5710 Hollister Ave. #234, Goleta, CA 93117
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