- Shelby Development: The City’s Hearing on the Adequacy of the EIR for the Shelby Project will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 P.M. At City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive.
- Save the Date Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM for a Public Hearing on the Proposed New CHP Station in West Goleta.
- City of Goleta’s Proposed Zoning Code is Now Available
- Shelby Development: The City’s Hearing on the Adequacy of the EIR for the Shelby Project will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 P.M. At City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive.…
1. The Shelby Residential Project is proposed for the parcel immediately to the west of the Glen Annie Golf Course.
The owner of this parcel has applied to the City of Goleta to amend our General Plan and re-zone the property from agriculture to residential. If approved, 60 single-family homes will be built there. They will be for sale only, likely in the range of $750,000 – $1,000,000+ each.
The Revised Draft Project EIR can be viewed at: www.cityofgoleta.org . It identified a number of significant, unavoidable impacts that cannot be mitigated, including permanent loss of mountain views, agricultural land, and important biological habitats, as well as significant increases in traffic, noise, and air pollution. Click on “City Hall,” then on “Planning and Environmental Review,” then on “CEQA Review,” then on “Shelby Project.”
With over 1,000 residential units already approved or under construction in Goleta, there is NO NEED to rezone more land for housing, contrary to Goleta’s General Plan. And in 2012 Goleta residents passed the Goleta Farm Protection initative by 72%, a good indication that we don’t want more farm land rezoned for development. Unfortunately, the rezoning proposal for the Shelby parcel had already been “initiated,” so it is not subject to this restriction.
You can make your voice heard by attending a meeting on the adequacy of the EIR on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive. You also can voice your opinion and concerns on this project by e-mailing: Lisa Prasse (lprasse@cityofgoleta.org) orJan Hubbell (jhubbell@cityofgoleta.org), City of Goleta Planning & Environmental Review Department, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117, and to our City Council members (copy and paste their e-mail addresses into the TO: section of your e-mail: pperotte@cityofgoleta.org, mbennett@cityofgoleta.org, raceves@cityofgoleta.org, tvallejo@cityofgoleta.org, jfarr@cityofgoleta.org, on or before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2015.
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- Save the Date Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM for a Public Hearing on the Proposed New CHP Station in West Goleta
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: To have a real impact on this project, attend a community meeting with the proponent of this project, the California Department of General Services on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 PM at the Goleta Valley Community Center located at 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta.
It is imperative that many Goleta residents ATTEND this one and only meeting with State representatives in order to demonstrate to the state Goleta residents’ conviction that this project should be built at a site more appropriate for this use.
The main issue is that a major CHP station in this location is a very bad fit for a neighborhood that has an adjoining Ellwood school, Goleta’s sensitive butterfly preserve, an assisted living residence, and two large residential communities.
This project will include a large vehicle inspection station, large above-ground fuel tanks, microwave transmissions from a 148′ radio tower, an auto maintenance yard, oil & solvents, hazardous materials. Hazardous fumes and microwave emissions pose an unacceptable danger and nuisance to humans and other species living and going to school nearby.
The State of California’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed California Highway Patrol Station at 7400 Hollister Avenue is now available for public review and comment. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments.
For more details on the 7 greatest concerns gleaned from the EIR, click here: http://www.2closeforcomfort.com/#!visual-blight-gallery/c102m
The Draft EIR and related documents can be accessed at (http://chp-ceqa.com/santa-barbara/) . Comments on the EIR will be accepted until Monday, December 28, 2015. Comments on the document should be directed to: Jennifer Parson, Senior Environmental Planner, State of California Department of General Services Real Estate Services Division, Project Management & Development Branch, 707 Third Street, 4th Floor, MS509, West Sacramento, CA 95605, santa-barbara-comments@chp-ceqa.com.
- City of Goleta’s Proposed Zoning Code is Now Available
The City of Goleta released the public review draft of their proposed zoning code the week before Thanksgiving. For those not wanting to wait for the late January community meetings to learn about the new code and proposed changes, you can access the proposed code and related material now at the city’s website – www.goletazoning.com/documents.html .
However, if you want to start reading some of the proposed changes from the current code to the new one, a good place to start is by reviewing the zoning code Numerical Standards Comparison Tables, Existing to Proposed. While available on the city’s website above, you can also pick up a FREE(!) paper copy of this document at the City’s zoning counter. At 48 double-sided pages on 11 x 17 paper, it is somewhat more accessible than the proposed zoning code which is a daunting 484 pages!
Another way to review the document is to start at the beginning (!) of the Public Review Draft where a user guide followed by a table of contents will assist in finding the material/section you might be interested in.
If you have specific issues you wish to address, you can call 961-7557 to make appointment with the planners on this project.
A future edition of the Goodland Outlook will provide more information on the scheduling of the public meetings and other opportunities to learn about the new zoning code.
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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117