This Outlook is to alert you to:
1. SHELBY — The EIR is now available for public comment for the proposed 60 Unit Shelby housing development on land currently zoned for agriculture, and the proposed new CHP station on Hollister. Both of these projects are in West Goleta.
2. THE NEW CHP STATION — The EIR is now available for public comment for the proposed CHP station on Hollister near Ellwood School.
3. NEW GOLETA ZONING CODE — Goleta’s proposed new Zoning Code will be released to the public in November 2016. The new Code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta.
4. TWO CITY COUNCIL SEATS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION IN NOVEMBER 2016 — We’ll soon announce an upcoming program to inform the public about opportunities to run for the two seats on Goleta’s city council that will be up for election in less than one year (November 2016.
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1. SHELBY: The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Shelby development is now available for public review and comments. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments. The development contains 60 units of single-family houses on a 14.38-net acre property at 7400 Cathedral Oaks Road (APN 077-530-019) next to the Glen Annie Golf Course. Here are some issues the public is concerned about:
- The property is zoned for agriculture and so the developer is requesting that the zoning should be changed to residential, which is contrary to the will of the people expressed in Goleta’s General Plan.
- With over 1,500 housing units approved or under construction, there is no great need to rezone for more housing, especially for-sale housing that few Goletans can afford to buy.
To review the EIR, click the url or copy/paste into your browser:
The comment deadline (environmental issues only) is December 14, 2015 at 5pm. An Environmental Hearing Officer hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd, at 5pm at City Hall. The planners are as follows: Lisa Prasse, Current Planning Manager, 805.961.7542; Jan Hubbell, Contract Planner.
The State of California’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed California Highway Patrol Station at 7400 Hollister Avenue is now available for public review and comment. See below for how to access it and the deadline for comments.
The main issue is that a major CHP station in this location is a very bad fit for a neighborhood that has an adjoining Ellwood school, Goleta’s sensitive butterfly preserve, an assisted living residence, and two large residential communities.
This project will include a large vehicle inspection station, large above-ground fuel tanks, microwave transmissions from a 148′ radio tower, an auto maintenance yard, oil & solvents, hazardous materials. Hazardous fumes and microwave emissions pose an unacceptable danger and nuisance to humans and other species living and going to school nearby.
For more details on the 7 greatest concerns gleaned from the EIR, click here or post this url into your browser:!visual-blight-gallery/c102m
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: To have a real impact, attend a community meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6 pm at the Goleta Valley Community Center located at 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, CA 93117, hosted by the California Department of General Services.
The Draft EIR and related documents can be accessed at:
Comments on the EIR will be accepted until Monday, December 28, 2015. Comments on the document should be directed to: Jennifer Parson, Senior Environmental Planner, State of California Department of General Services Real Estate Services Division, Project Management & Development Branch, 707 Third Street, 4th Floor, MS509, West Sacramento, CA 95605,
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Work is being completed on a new Zoning Code for Goleta that should be available to the public in November 2015.
The new code will define what can be done on each piece of land in Goleta, including:
- Not just what development will be allowed but also redevelopment
- Not just public property but also commercial and residential property
- Not just what you can do on your land or to your house, but also what your neighbors can do – from putting up signs, building an addition, putting commercial activities next to residential and vice versa.
- The zoning ordinance will also spell out changes in the current zoning PROCESSES, with potential changes such as:
—What notice will be given to the public when zoning variances are requested;
—How much “flexibility” will be allowed for City staff to approve zoning variances and other changes administratively, rather than in open meetings where the public can provide input;
—Whether zoning decisions can be appealed and to whom.
How to Get Involved:
The Goodland Coalition will be working with other community groups and Goleta Staff to help get information to the public on proposed changes to the zoning code. Sources of information will include:
—The City of Goleta website specifically devoted to the zoning where you will be able to get more info is: .
—The Goodland Coalition may schedule additional forums to help the public delve into some of the topic-specific sections of the new code.
— Future editions of The Goodland Outlook will bring you more information on how you can participate in the process and learn how the zoning code will affect you.
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As you may know, there has also been much community interest and discussion about having additional people running for office when council members Jim Farr’s and Tony Vallejo’s seats are up for re-election in November 2016.
For these reasons, The Goodland Coalition announces that early in 2016 we plan to sponsor one or more non-partisan, informational public meetings with people who will speak on:
- The job of serving on Goleta’s City council, the time commitment, qualifications, remuneration, etc.;
- What it takes to run,how to qualify on the ballot, the time commitment, fundraising, campaign management resources, etc.
There will be time scheduled for audience questions.
Please email The Goodland Coalition, , if you think you might be interested in attending such a meeting, even if you are not necessarily interested in being a candidate yourself.
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The Goodland Coalition | 5710 Hollister Ave. #234 | Goleta | CA | 93117