— The Goodland Outlook, August 15, 2018 —
- Come to the Workshop on the draft Monarch Butterfly Habitat Management Plan and 2018 Implementation Plan. Thursday, August 16 at 6PM
2. Come to Goleta’s Dam Dinner, Saturday, August 18, at 5-7PM
3. Apply for the Goleta Library Board of Trustees
1, Come to the Workshop on the draft Monarch Butterfly Habitat Management Plan and 2018 Implementation Plan. Thursday, August 16 at 6PM
The City of Goleta is holding a workshop this Thursday, August 16 at 6PM on the long-awaited draft Monarch Butterfly Habitat Management Plan and 2018 Implementation Plan. Your participation in the City’s workshop will help you become more informed about these plans, ask questions, and provide feedback to City staff and consultants. The plans will be considered by the City Council at a Council meeting on September.
Below you will find Goleta’s announcement and details about the workshop.
If you agree that the monarch butterfly aggregations in Ellwood are important ecological, educational, economical, and aesthetic assets to our community, it’s really important that you make your voice heard. Here are some key points that need to be emphasized if you want to make sure the Goleta Crown jewel is protected and preserved:
- The highest priority of the Habitat Management Plan should be maintaining, restoring, and enhancing the eucalyptus forest that attracts and shelters the monarchs.
- Our Ellwood open spaces should remain as natural feeling as possible, without obtrusive signage or barriers, while protecting its resources.
- Eucalyptus trees should be replanted in the locations where the City removed them last fall to maintain the clearly preferred habitat and microclimate for the butterflies.
- The wishes of Goletans should be a very important part of this decision-making process.
[city of Goleta’s Posting]
The City is hosting a family-friendly public workshop on the Ellwood Mesa Habitat Management Plan and Implementation Plan on Thursday, August 16 at 6:00 p.m. at Goleta City Hall Council Chambers. The workshop will include a discussion and review of the draft plans, available now at the link or copy/paste into your browser: https://tinyurl.com/HabitatManagementPlan.
The City is looking for your questions, comments and feedback on the plan.
Thursday, August 16 6:00 p.m. Goleta City Hall Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive, Suite B)
The Ellwood Mesa Habitat Management Plan guides the approach and methods the City of Goleta follows to manage and improve the Ellwood Mesa eucalyptus forest for the benefit of the overwintering behavior of the monarch butterfly, other wildlife, and the public’s use and enjoyment.
Two key local policy documents drive the protection of the monarch butterfly: the Goleta General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan and The Ellwood-Devereux Coast Open Space and Habitat Management Plan.
The Implementation Plan presents work tasks to be accomplished in 2018 for the maintenance and preservation of Ellwood Mesa.
The focus of the work this year is to protect and enhance habitat for monarch butterflies and other wildlife and to sustain natural habitat on Ellwood Mesa to support wild species and benefit public use and enjoyment of this open space area. Actions delineated are directed toward protection and improvement of individual trees, as well as restoration of areas where trees have died.
We hope to see you at the workshop!
2. Come to Goleta’s Dam Dinner, Saturday, August 18, at 5-7PM
[city of Goleta’s Posting]
Get ready for the annual Goleta Dam Dinner on Saturday, August 18! Taking place from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Los Carneros Dam.
This casual community event is a great way to spend the evening with family and friends. Share a meal together while enjoying music from the Salt Martians and the beautiful surroundings. Bring your dinner or purchase food from the on-site food truck (Neighbor Tim’s BBQ). If you’re feeling friendly, bring a dessert to share. Water, beer & wine will be sold along with our awesome t-shirts. Parking is available in the Stow House/Goleta Depot parking lot at 304 N. Los Carneros Road or along La Patera Lane.
Please register in advance so we can plan for enough tables and chairs. Keep in touch by liking us on Facebook (@DamDinner and use #OhDam.
3. Apply for the Goleta Library Board of Trustees
[city of Goleta’s Posting]
Do you love the Goleta Valley Library? Then apply to serve as one of five members on the Library Board of Trustees. The role of the Board is to advise the City Council and increase citizen participation in library issues by analyzing current needs, considering goals, anticipating future needs and problems, acting as a liaison, acting as a sounding Board, and to help develop consensus for advisement to the City Council. The Board will meet at least once a month. There is a $50 stipend per month.
To apply and be considered, Board Members must be residents consisting of the following:
- 2 Board Members – Goleta City Residents
- 2 Board Members – Residents of the Unincorporated Service Area of the Goleta Library (Eastern Goleta Valley, Community Service Area 3, and Hope Ranch)
- 1 Board Member – Isla Vista Community Services District
The deadline to apply has been extended to September 10, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. Applications may be submitted online at http://tinyurl.com/goletaboards-commissions. Additional information can be provided by contacting Deborah Lopez, City Clerk, at (805) 961-7505 or dlopez@cityofgoleta.org, subject line: Library Board of Trustees
To send an email to Mayor Perotte, city council members Aceves, Bennett, Kasdin and Richards and City Manager Greene, copy the following and past it into the TO: section of an email.
pperotte@cityofgoleta.org, raceves@cityofgoleta.org, mbennett@cityofgoleta.org, skasdin@cityofgoleta.org, krichards@cityofgoleta.org, mgreene@cityofgoleta.org